Another Empathy Machine
digital experience
installation (live, online)
Empathy, outrage, and the internet. “Another Empathy Machine” shares its thoughts on human systems. This interactive, online experience uses machine learning, computer vision, and human data; a webcam is necessary but no personal data is collected or stored. Express your emotions and see how the machine responds.
🖥️ Try it live here => https://jellomoat.github.io/another_empathy_machine/
made with
face-api.js, tippy.js, p5.js, Metro_4, and MuseScore
Video sample data originally sourced from: Aff-Wild2 Database and adapted for artistic/research purposes. See link for related papers.
related news and articles
"The Reason Your Feed Became An Echo Chamber — And What To Do About It" (NPR)
"Facebook Manipulated 689,003 Users' Emotions For Science" (Forbes)
"News feed: 'Emotional contagion' sweeps Facebook" (Cornell)
credits - assets
Pixeboy Font by AbasCreative
Arrow Cursor by Filippo Lessio
“Where Have All the Flowers Gone”
original by Pete Seeger + score by user nomadicmathmoYay California hills! by flickr user "Katie"
Retro computer 3D Model (for Gray Area install) by sketchfab user "dogflesh"