digital experience
artist statement
COLLAB COMP is a cooperative and immersive audio-visual experiment where you and everyone around you collectively creates the instrument, plays it, and redesigns it as you go. Dance and see your body reflected in the projection; explore the sounds, animations, and exciting interactions that emerge. Try the second smaller screen to change the experience for others!
experience description
Several audience members at a time can play with the installation. A mounted webcam registers the presence of participants entering a lit and defined floor space. The system uses pose-tracking (PoseNet) to map their bodies into a projected virtual space filled with playful, interactive trigger points. When any part of their projected bodies touches a trigger point, a custom animation and/or sound plays in real-time. Trigger points also engage physical computing components (fans, motors, lights) to run or stop. Along the side of the core installation space is a small screen that enables participants to create and place their own sound and animation trigger points in the projected space. This second, smaller, edit-mode screen can either be mounted or placed on a small table in the installation space, and is linked live to the projected space such that updates by those creating and defining the projection space on this smaller screen can be experienced immediately by those physically playing in the larger projected space.
shown in:
Gray Area (2019)
produced by:
The Gel Pen Collective
Background tracks by VGR, used with permission.
made with:
p5.js, ml5.js, matter.js, electron, a projector, a webcam, and miscellaneous household electronics