“What the Camera Sees”
digital experience
an exploration of computer vision, video editing, and surveillance technology
Pose tracking, face recognition, and image compositing tools are joined by an AI filled with stories of spies, criminals, and secret lives. Step into the camera’s view and see the tale it spins about you. Will you be labelled, or will your image be manipulated or even erased from the scene? Will you stand too close to an imagined threat and become an assumed associate? This playfully creepy experience imagines a not-too-distant future where your expected value and risk to society are constantly calculated by systems that are impossible to question or correct. (Don’t worry though -- unlike real surveillance, this machine actually does forget, and doesn’t upload anything to the cloud!)
🔎 live web version here => https://gitsteph.github.io/list/wtcs/public/
made by:
Gel Pen Collective
p5, ml5, a webcam
shown in:
SOMArts (2019, Rebooting the Future)
Slamdance/Wisdome (2019, Digital Interactive & Gaming)
MCC Art Gallery (2020, Input/Output)